Thursday, June 23, 2011

Journey of a Buddha Belly: Week 17

Journey of a Buddha Belly: Week 17: "This week my Yoga Practice has consisted of mainly hip and chest openers. As my chest and belly becomes larger, I needed a pose that would ..."

Week 17

This week my Yoga Practice has consisted of mainly hip and chest openers.  As my chest and belly becomes larger, I needed a pose that would help counteract all of that forward flexion and extra pressure in my chest and lower back.  I have found the perfect pose for me, take a look and give it a try.

Stretches Chest, Neck and Spine                                                                                Opens hips

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 16

Week 16 had come and gone so quickly.  I have been feeling great and maintained my energy through our weekend travels. 
Each night I read from my heaping mound of parenting book's, taking notes, blurting out weird facts to my husband like, "she has fingernails now, or she can urinate now."  I suddenly had a light bulb moment, "where are his mounds of parenting books? " I realized my husband has no resources to keep him up, make him wonder " is this normal", " am I eating the right?" or "oh NO I just ate FISH"  the list goes ON and ON. 

With Fathers Day right around the corner I pick up a copy of The Expectant Father by Armin A Brott and Jennifer Ash.  He LOVED it, now we are sitting on the couch and he's quizzing me, " Did you know that eating protein can increase brain development?" "What's a Doula?"  Don't forget your expectant Daddy's this weekend!!
To my wonderful Husband, I love you Matt
Click her to Purchase: The Expectant Father

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 15

                                     It's a Girl!
Our recent Dr's visit revealed to us that we are expecting a baby girl.

Many thoughts went through my head the moment we found out that we were having a girl.
1) Excitement turned to worry
2) Teenage Hormones (will she hate me?)
3) BOYS (car dates..Daddy's worst nightmare)
4) How to raise a confident, polite, and intelligent female

This post, instead of giving advice I'm asking for advice.  What advice can you give us on raising a baby girl into a beautiful women?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 14

As week 14 comes to a close I have to say this week has been pretty uneventful as far as pregnancy complaints and or concerns.....

This week I have started to check out maternity wear and am finding myself a little disappointed here in Lex.  So I extended my search online and found a website that I absolutely love!! This site allows me to keep my pre-prego style without looking like im in my PJ's or a Moo Moo..

Isabella Oliver Maternity Wear