Friday, April 22, 2011

week 9

Today we are 9 weeks along..... morning sickness still in full swing, daily naps still needed.  Fortunately I still have my yoga practice, I practice yoga at least 2 times a day.  I am a yoga instructor so being around great energy as well as others practicing keeps me inspired.  This week I have focused more on lower body, some key poses for me have been crescent warrior, chair as well as modified sun salutations.  (try using a chair to steady your balance.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 week visit

Last week was our 8 week visit with the Dr A and Ultra Sound.  Leading up to that week I have experienced sleplessness and morning sickness.  A great Yoga pose for sleeplessness I found to work for me was "legs up the wall".  I lay on my back and lean my legs up against the wall for about 5 min.  This allows the blood flow to be re directed and lets the leg muscles relax.  Morning sickness is a different animal, the only soother for me is a peanut butter sandwich and OJ, sorry no yoga pose suggestion.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week7 Day 1 of Blog

This will be my first attempt at a blog. I spell terribly and will probably use incorrect grammar but I truly want to help fellow Yogi's and non Yogi Mama's get through Pregnancy.

What to expect from Buddha Belly Blog:

a)As I begin my journey through Pregnancy I want to share with you my changing Yoga Practice.
b) My goal is to use Yoga as a tool to help me through the (all day)Nausea, cramping  , bloating, and feeling like YUCK.
c) You will see how I modify yoga poses to acomidate my ever growing belly and what poses I find give me relief.
Did I mention that I am a yoga instructor so I will  have plenty of opportunities to test these theories.