Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 22

Here is the latest picture of our little girl. Week 20-22 marked a few big milestones for my pregnancy.
1. July 5th I finally felt her move.  3 little kicks in a row, now she puts on her dancing shoe around 8:00pm every night. 
2. Babies room is now painted and ready to be furnished.  You can expect my next couple of post's to be all about baby decor.  Nesting has Started!
3. My yoga practice has officially taken on a Pre-Natal title. During the 21st week lying on my back has become uncomfortable and I avoid it if I can, also moving at a slower pace has benefited me.  I enjoy each pose and am not worried about plowing through to the next asana.  "Where you are is where you are supposed to be"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 21

Butter Up your Belly

I wanted to share with you a great product , Dream Cream by LUSH.
This Body Creme is ideal for your growing Belly, I slather it on after the shower to help prevent the dreaded S  T  R  E  T  C  H   M  A  R  K  S.
Dream Cream is LUSH's best-selling product because it makes sore, stretched skin feel good again. Chamomile and lavender calm irritations, reduce redness and banish blotches. It contains everything nature makes for soothing your skin.
Click Here to Visit LUSH

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 20

It feels so Good to be Back, as you may have noticed I have been absent from my Blog Post's for a few weeks.  I have been on my summer vacation (Yes I squeezed myself into a bikini and loved it!!)  However after all this traveling my Hips are becoming a little tight and my lower body is getting fatigued much quicker. 
Take a look at these hip openers that have been a real help to my expanding hips, and fatigued lower body.  Try these postures after a modified sun salutation to experience the real benefits!!