Monday, December 5, 2011

First Sun Salutation since baby

I just wanted to drop a quick note and share with you that today I did my first Sun Salutation since the birth of Baby Nora
Although its rainy out side, I woke with more energy then usual, so I decided to practice some yoga while Nora sat in her swing. I started with a modified Sun Salutation then ventured into a few side stretches.  Body felt great and my mind needed something new to focus on even if it was only 5 min. Gotta start somewhere

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stationery card

Modern Script Girl Birth Announcement
Birth announcements & graduation announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hello World

Drum Roll..... We would like to announce the arrival of our sweet girl ,
Eleanor Paige Dial , Nora was born November 25th 2011
8:01pm 6.10oz  19" long.

One of the main reason I began this blog was not only to document my pregnancy and to help fellow mama's, but I wanted to test Yoga.  Could continuing my yoga practice during my entire pregnancy make for a more "enjoyable" "tolerable" "not as painful" labor?
My experience would beYES!!!!!
My yoga breath and relaxation techniques helped me glide through contraction after contraction.  Don't get me wrong there was pain but it never got to my head, I stayed focused and knew that my body was strong and able. Thanks to my wonderful husband coaching me I maintained my deep inhalations/exhalation and succeed.  Once my active labor began and pushing was near I was calm and confident I could do this, "not that I had much choice".  After a few cycles of breath, I had a wonderful gift resting on my chest, Nora and I locked eyes and my heart grew to a size I never knew was possible.

My final thoughts on Yoga and Pregnancy.  Yoga helped me both mentally and physically ENJOY my entire pregnancy, sure there were some uncomfortable times but my body went with the flow and I truly believe my yoga practice kept me in shape and allowed this experience to be unlike anything I have experienced. I would encourage expectant mama's to find an activity they enjoy and continue it through their entire pregnancy, modifying as needed.  It doesnt have to be yoga, but for me Yoga gave me the experience I wanted.

Please continue to follow my blog sans the Buddah Belly as I journey back to my yoga practice with a new appreciate and gratitude for life and my new respect for women's bodies.

namaste, Ali and Nora

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 37

We are now at week 37 and my Yoga Practice has actually been re energized!  Now that I am at the point where the end is in sight and she is "cooked" my yoga practice has been given a new energy.  Although I am not teaching nearly as much I still attend classes at least twice a week.  I practice safely and focus on postures that help open my hips, calm my breath and maintain my upper body strength.  Here is one of my favorite sequence's
1. Cat Pose
2. Low Lunge
3 Pyramid Pose
4 Extended Triangle
5. Dolphin Pose
Take a look Here! or Build your own sequence that feels good to you

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 30

Hello, I know I have been absent for a few weeks and I apologize. I hope to be better at my weekly/bi weekly post's.
The past few weeks I keep hearing complaints about "Swollen Ankles" even from my Non. Pregnant Students.  I always go back to an oldie but a goodie for relief.... Legs up the Wall
Type of Pose: Restorative, mild inversion
Benefits: Achieves many of the benefits of inversions in a supported, gentle pose.
A passive inversion - great for swollen ankles and varicose veins (bonus!)
1. Sit next to a wall with the side of your body on the wall and your knees bent into the chest.
2. Bring the lower back onto the floor while bringing the legs up the wall. Keep the upper body supported with the elbows on the floor.
3. Slowly release the elbows and lower the whole back down to the floor.
4. If you are comfortable, stay here several minutes.
5. To come out, bring the knees into your chest and roll to your side.

As far as my progress, everything is right on track.  We just had a 29 week ultra sound and she looked healthy and happy. The pic's were not a cute, she's quickly running out of room so her cheeks and face look squished. (only a mother could love these pic's)  She is starting to move into position and I'm feeling GREAT. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 25

Baby Yoga
I know it's a little early to start thinking about the toddler years but I figure it cant hurt to arm myself with a few tools to cope with bed time......Zzz
During my recent BabyMoon to Naples, FL I visited one of my favorite local yoga studio's Bala Vinyasa.  While on vacation I signed up for a 1 day prenatal yoga workshop.  During the workshop we talked alot about breath and ways to relieve hip and lower back pain. What stuck with me most was a book the instructor passes around before class,  called "Itsy Bitsy Yoga" by Helen Garabedian.  What could be more fun then seeing your little one in "happy baby" or giggling in "cat & cow"?

"Yoga before bedtime for your toddler gives them a tool to self-soothe. It's a way of letting their bodies slow down at a natural Pace" Laurie Jordan, "The ABC of zzz" Yoga Journal September 2011

Check out this fun and educational book for your little one.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 22

Here is the latest picture of our little girl. Week 20-22 marked a few big milestones for my pregnancy.
1. July 5th I finally felt her move.  3 little kicks in a row, now she puts on her dancing shoe around 8:00pm every night. 
2. Babies room is now painted and ready to be furnished.  You can expect my next couple of post's to be all about baby decor.  Nesting has Started!
3. My yoga practice has officially taken on a Pre-Natal title. During the 21st week lying on my back has become uncomfortable and I avoid it if I can, also moving at a slower pace has benefited me.  I enjoy each pose and am not worried about plowing through to the next asana.  "Where you are is where you are supposed to be"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 21

Butter Up your Belly

I wanted to share with you a great product , Dream Cream by LUSH.
This Body Creme is ideal for your growing Belly, I slather it on after the shower to help prevent the dreaded S  T  R  E  T  C  H   M  A  R  K  S.
Dream Cream is LUSH's best-selling product because it makes sore, stretched skin feel good again. Chamomile and lavender calm irritations, reduce redness and banish blotches. It contains everything nature makes for soothing your skin.
Click Here to Visit LUSH

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 20

It feels so Good to be Back, as you may have noticed I have been absent from my Blog Post's for a few weeks.  I have been on my summer vacation (Yes I squeezed myself into a bikini and loved it!!)  However after all this traveling my Hips are becoming a little tight and my lower body is getting fatigued much quicker. 
Take a look at these hip openers that have been a real help to my expanding hips, and fatigued lower body.  Try these postures after a modified sun salutation to experience the real benefits!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Journey of a Buddha Belly: Week 17

Journey of a Buddha Belly: Week 17: "This week my Yoga Practice has consisted of mainly hip and chest openers. As my chest and belly becomes larger, I needed a pose that would ..."

Week 17

This week my Yoga Practice has consisted of mainly hip and chest openers.  As my chest and belly becomes larger, I needed a pose that would help counteract all of that forward flexion and extra pressure in my chest and lower back.  I have found the perfect pose for me, take a look and give it a try.

Stretches Chest, Neck and Spine                                                                                Opens hips

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 16

Week 16 had come and gone so quickly.  I have been feeling great and maintained my energy through our weekend travels. 
Each night I read from my heaping mound of parenting book's, taking notes, blurting out weird facts to my husband like, "she has fingernails now, or she can urinate now."  I suddenly had a light bulb moment, "where are his mounds of parenting books? " I realized my husband has no resources to keep him up, make him wonder " is this normal", " am I eating the right?" or "oh NO I just ate FISH"  the list goes ON and ON. 

With Fathers Day right around the corner I pick up a copy of The Expectant Father by Armin A Brott and Jennifer Ash.  He LOVED it, now we are sitting on the couch and he's quizzing me, " Did you know that eating protein can increase brain development?" "What's a Doula?"  Don't forget your expectant Daddy's this weekend!!
To my wonderful Husband, I love you Matt
Click her to Purchase: The Expectant Father

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 15

                                     It's a Girl!
Our recent Dr's visit revealed to us that we are expecting a baby girl.

Many thoughts went through my head the moment we found out that we were having a girl.
1) Excitement turned to worry
2) Teenage Hormones (will she hate me?)
3) BOYS (car dates..Daddy's worst nightmare)
4) How to raise a confident, polite, and intelligent female

This post, instead of giving advice I'm asking for advice.  What advice can you give us on raising a baby girl into a beautiful women?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 14

As week 14 comes to a close I have to say this week has been pretty uneventful as far as pregnancy complaints and or concerns.....

This week I have started to check out maternity wear and am finding myself a little disappointed here in Lex.  So I extended my search online and found a website that I absolutely love!! This site allows me to keep my pre-prego style without looking like im in my PJ's or a Moo Moo..

Isabella Oliver Maternity Wear

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 13

We are closing out week 13 this Friday and I cannot believe the boost in my energy levels.  This weekend has been one of the best week as far a feeling a little more like myself.
After a massive Cleaning Spree my dog's are a little scared of me but my house is absolutely spotless, thanks to me putting my foot down and keeping my two 90lbs Lab's out of the main living and bedroom area (sorry Nash and Daisy)....

I wanted to share with you my cleaning tip this week.  Harsh Chemicals are found in almost every household cleaning product, so I chose to make my own household cleaner and used it for literally everything in my house from the baseboards to the furniture.
I mixed 1 gallon of warm water  $ free
            3 tbsp Dr. Bronner Pure-Castile Lavender liquid soap approx $13-$15 for 32oz
            2 tbsp white vinegar $ Cheap
You can find Dr Bronners soaps at Whole Foods and Good Foods Co-op
Dr Bronner Website Click here

Coming up: 15 week 3-d Ultra Sound!!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 12

 What has my first Trimester taught me.....?
Although I cannot complain too much, my first trimester was full of adjustments and realizations for me.  I have learned to look for simple pleasures throughout my day.  I would like to share with you a few simple finds that have made my first trimester enjoyable.

1. I love coffee, however caffeine is frowned upon. I found a little jem of a coffee shop who makes Iced Decaf Coffee!!! Third Street Cafe located on the corner of N. Limestone and 3rd St. Ask for Hendrix

2. Reclining Queen's Pose. A restorative pose for relaxing and regaining energy. My Fav after a long day on my feet of a lengthey car ride to see my inlaws.

3. Good Foods Co-op! My appetite has been coming and going these past few weeks.  What I love about  Good Foods Co-Op is the variety of healthy items they offer.  You can pile on the veggie's and fruit or sometimes my plate can be full of brussel sprouts and cantaloupe????....(prego craving) You can pick and choose what items your body needs and feel good about what you are putting in it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 11

This weeks doctors vist went well, we got a chance to hear the baby's heart beat from outside the belly it was a reall treat! 160 HB

Feeling a little irregular.... Try this yoga pose to help ease digestive discomfort.
Spinal Twisting while expecting should be done softly and with our strain.
Option 1. Lying on your back, bend your knee and put feet flat on floor.  Begin to move the knees back and forth like windshield wipers. Repeat 4x, carefully sit up and repeat if necessary.
Its important when spinal twisting to move to the RIGHT first, this follows the flow of our colen. Lowering the knee's to the floor should be done by experienced Yogi's

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 10

So we are now at week 10! Fatigue has set in big time, my yoga practice has taught me this week that less is more.  Does 2pm feel like 2am? Has nap time become your favorite part of your day?

To help deal with my fatigue during yoga classes I have made the decision to allow myself to verbally teach class rather then physically leading.  This took a while for me to finally admit, but once I made the decision to walk around during the most intense part of my class I felt a sense of relief and energy.

GYN update/ Had a 3D ultra sound which was Awesome!!!! everything looked great Heart Beat 180.
Complaint of the month: TMJ???

Friday, April 22, 2011

week 9

Today we are 9 weeks along..... morning sickness still in full swing, daily naps still needed.  Fortunately I still have my yoga practice, I practice yoga at least 2 times a day.  I am a yoga instructor so being around great energy as well as others practicing keeps me inspired.  This week I have focused more on lower body, some key poses for me have been crescent warrior, chair as well as modified sun salutations.  (try using a chair to steady your balance.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 week visit

Last week was our 8 week visit with the Dr A and Ultra Sound.  Leading up to that week I have experienced sleplessness and morning sickness.  A great Yoga pose for sleeplessness I found to work for me was "legs up the wall".  I lay on my back and lean my legs up against the wall for about 5 min.  This allows the blood flow to be re directed and lets the leg muscles relax.  Morning sickness is a different animal, the only soother for me is a peanut butter sandwich and OJ, sorry no yoga pose suggestion.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week7 Day 1 of Blog

This will be my first attempt at a blog. I spell terribly and will probably use incorrect grammar but I truly want to help fellow Yogi's and non Yogi Mama's get through Pregnancy.

What to expect from Buddha Belly Blog:

a)As I begin my journey through Pregnancy I want to share with you my changing Yoga Practice.
b) My goal is to use Yoga as a tool to help me through the (all day)Nausea, cramping  , bloating, and feeling like YUCK.
c) You will see how I modify yoga poses to acomidate my ever growing belly and what poses I find give me relief.
Did I mention that I am a yoga instructor so I will  have plenty of opportunities to test these theories.